AFO 453 - Print job summary reports

453.1 Introduction[//]

Using AFO 453, you can print reports of the print functions within the circulation administration. In concrete terms, this means that the print files generated using AFO 451 and printed using AFO 452 can also be printed using this AFO, but then in a different form.

This AFO enables you to generate location-related lists, for example of all borrowers whose membership fee payments have been registered through their bank or giro accounts. You can do this on a periodic basis.

These printouts are solely intended to support the internal administrative records; their design is therefore simple. Any differences between the number of borrowers included in a print file (as indicated on the screen) and the number of borrowers on the printout are a result of the fact that the printouts are location related.

The system can automatically suspend borrowers when the next overdue is sent. This can be defined in AFO 481 ('Main circulation parameters'). If borrowers are suspended because an overdue is sent, the system will also include them in a print file that can be printed using AFO 453.

This list is not cumulative and contains only those borrowers who were suspended when the last overdue file was generated. The system prints two lists: one sorted according to borrower and one sorted according to call number.

Using the type 'Overdues by location and shelfmark', you can produce lists per shelfmark and per location for overdues. These lists contain cumulative overviews starting from a certain overdue. Using AFO 481 (‘Main circulation parameters') you can define starting from which overdue these overviews are to be generated.

453.2 Print job summary reports[//]

After starting this AFO an overview screen will be displayed:

Columns on the screen

Print job - The type print or batchjob.

Period – The period for which the job was last run. Only shown with jobs that are run on a monthly basis. In this example accept giro’s were last processed in January 2005.

Generated – The date on which the print file was generate or the batch job run.

Qty – The number of borrowers in the print file. Only shown for files that are to be printed.

Date printed – The date on which the print file was last printed. Only shown for files that are to be printed.

Contact method & no. of notices – The contact methods used with, for each method, the number of notices generated.

Options on the screen

Select notice type or batch job: Choose a notice type and then this option to generate the report.

·                For ‘Suspensions due to overdues’ and ‘Overdues by location and shelfmark’

After choosing either of these this system wil switch directly to the standard screen for generating output..

·                For the other notice types or (batchjobs)

After choosing any of these an input form will be presented:

Fields on the screen

For institution/location - enter the institution and location, for which you want to generate the report, separated by a forward slash "/". Use an asterisk "*" to represent all locations or */* to report on updated categories throughout your system.

Period MM/YYYY - enter the month and year, using the date format MM/YYYY for which the update is to be run.

Include details - check the box if you want details by borrower to be shown on the report. A general summary report will be generated if you do not check the box.

·                     Document control - Change History




Change description





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